Posts in category announcement

Revamped upload interface

Until now, we had different dialogs depending on wether you wanted to upload a file or instead paste the contents from your clipboard to a text container. However, since our release 14.08.00 we’ll present you with just one revamped uploading interface.

Drag and drop your images onto the ma...

With the upcoming release 14.06.00, we will add support to attach images on the map. To try this, it’s as easy as dragging an image onto the map and wait until we’ve processed it.

Announcing twitter customized InfoWin...

As promised, we haven’t stopped optimizing tweet display, and today we added a bit more sweetness to our mix, parsing hashtags, mentions and links.

InstaGIS adds Twitter tracking suppor...

Our core developers have been busy this month, or at least pretending they are. Whatever’s the case, it’s time to announce a new release. Our release 13.2.0 brings a lot of sweet new features to the table.